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'I Could Not Confide'

Illustrated by Nirvana Haldar


City: Noida

Age: 22

Number of Abortions: One

Marital Status during Abortion: Unmarried

The Story
I had just turned 20 in April 2018. I study in college in Bangalore and came home to Noida in early May for
my summer break. When I did not get my period for a while, my neighbour accompanied me to take a
pregnancy test. I found out I was pregnant. It was a dicey situation. My boyfriend was in Mumbai. I was living
at home with family who I could not confide in. I was also about to go on a big family vacation within 10 days
offending out that I was pregnant. We acted quickly and called up hospitals to find out the price. Then chose a
hospital that my family doesn't frequent. At the hospital, they were not opposed to the procedure but they
didn't approve of it. They wanted either my boyfriend or a family member to be present before prescribing the
pill so that they were guaranteed of my safety. I managed to convince them to give it to me. Everything
worked out somehow but it still feels surreal.

What I wish was different
I wish I had easier access to abortion.

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